You have your morning skin care habits and your before bed skin care regime, but I bet not many of you have an after gym skin care routine. If not, you really should – you’ve done your body good by working out, so let’s make sure your skin stays happy and healthy at the gym too. Here are some tips for after gym skin care.
Workout without makeup
First of all, you’ll look ridiculous in full make-up, with raccoon eyes and runny foundation, there on the elliptical, and you might leave smudges of makeup on the equipment, too. Second, you’re going to sweat it all off anyway, so do you really want to waste your fave eyeliner at the gym? Skip the makeup and arrive at the gym bare-faced, ready to get all sweaty from your workout. The glow you’ll get from exercise looks so much better than bronzer, so this is the first (and maybe most important) after gym skin care tip!
Skip the tanning bed
Most gyms have tanning beds, but my advice is to skip the tanner. It’s harmful to your skin, in so many ways… there’s deadly skin cancer, for starters, which is on the rise, dramatically. But there’s also the range of cosmetic skin concerns, like wrinkles and sun spots, so I’ll say it again – “skip the tanning bed”!
Be gentle
If you’ve been sweating for the past hour (and you should have been!), then you might be tempted to scrub yourself from tip to toe to feel clean again, but this could spell disaster, especially if you have sensitive or dry skin already. Use a gentle shampoo and cleanser, which will do the trick no matter how sweaty you’ve gotten.
Skip the hot water
Your muscles are sore, and you’re exhausted — what a workout! But resist the urge to spend the next half-hour in the hot shower. It may soothe your muscles, but it will also strip your skin of vital oils, leaving you dry, itchy and unhappy.
Use the right product
I know you loathe the idea of packing a fully-stocked gym bag, but take the time to bring a face wash and moisturiser separate from your body wash (or soap) and body lotion. There’s a reason you use a separate set at home, so why ruin your routine (and sacrifice your complexion) to save a little time or space in your gym bag?
Re-hydrate your skin
The best time to re-hydrate thirsty skin is right out of the shower. Take a few minutes to keep your skin hydrated and healthy by applying a generous dollop of your favourite facial moisturiser and body lotion. Choose a body lotion with a scent that invigorates you, something citrusy!
Re-hydrate your body
While we’re on the subject of hydration, don’t forget to re-hydrate your body after your workout, too! Water is the best recovery drink, but you can also try low-fat chocolate milk (which also contains a little protein).
Protect your skin
Before you leave the gym and head out into the world, protect your precious skin from the elements. Apply a layer of sun protection, even in winter… and if it’s winter, don’t forget to protect your pucker with lip balm, too.
Now that you’ve seen all my ideas for making your own skin care routine for use at the gym, do you feel like your gym bag is ready to go? If not, add the things you’ll need (like a washcloth and your skin care products) and don’t forget a bottle of water!