As tempting as it is to pick at pimples and blackheads, there are so many reasons that you shouldn’t! We’ve done our research and picked (pardon the pun) three of the top reasons why you need to stop popping pimples!
1. You may cause more inflammation
Ever looked in the mirror and feel like your pimples are just asking to be picked? But… whatever you do, resist! Picking, poking and popping spots can worsen the appearance because there’s a high risk that you will cause more inflammation. All that pressing and pulling on your pimple damages the skin around it, and as a result, it worsens the redness and swelling in the long run. So, as tempting as it may be, fight the urge, stop popping pimples! Your skin will thank you for it later.
2. You may scar your skin
We’ve mentioned above that popping is bad, but if you get professional help from a dermatologist, it can be ok as they use sterile equipment and have the expertise to prevent unnecessary scarring, A professional dermatologist will ensure that the correct pressure is used around all sides of the pimple to minimise it and prevent infection and scarring.
3. Picking can lead to infection
When you pop a pimple, you’re actually tearing at the skin so dirty hands are bad news, infecting the open area with bacteria and leaving it open to further infection. Think about it, it’s really not worth the risk. Stop popping pimples!
Try microdermabrasion to improve the appearance of acne
If you suffer from acne and acne scarring, a SkinBase Facial could be the answer. Microdermabrasion treatments have gradually become the first choice for many people who are searching for an acne solution that helps correct acne scarring.
The SkinBase Facial safely and effectively reduces acne scarring, calms red and uneven skin tone, leaving healthy looking, smooth skin. To find out more, visit our dedicated acne treatment page.