Summer is finally on its way and with it the thought of going make up free on the beach and wearing strappy dresses. If you’ve suffered from acne in the past or are suffering now, you know as well as I do that this can instil fear in you. But don’t let it! Why not give microdermabrasion a go?
Microdermabrasion treatments have gradually become the first choice for many people who are searching for an acne cure that helps correct acne scarring. Surveys suggest that 95% of adolescents and adults suffer from acne scarring problems, so you should know that you’re not alone in your quest to find a cure.
Scarring caused by acne looks very different from any other scars – it’s the deficit of collagen in the specific region that gives rise to acne scarring. After the acne has subsided, the affected skin region needs collagen to heal and if the skin underlying the subsided acne doesn’t have it, then it tends to get scarred during the healing process thereby giving rise to an ice pick scar.
The SkinBase Facial™ is a perfect acne treatment for helping to rid yourself of acne scarring because it encourages collagen to form. In fact, the effects of this acne treatment can often be noticed after just one treatment. If the acne scarring is deep, you may require a larger number of treatments. Your SkinBase therapist will advise you on this at the consultation stage.
Why The SkinBase Facial™ as a treatment for acne & acne scarring?
- Reduced acne scarring
- Improved skin appearance and texture
- Improvement of skin and acne scarring from the very first session
- Completely painless procedure
- Relaxing treatment
- Calms red and uneven skin tone leaving you with glowing, revitalised skin
Take a look at our videos to see for yourself the positive effects The SkinBase Facial™ has on acne scarring.