Many of us have had to adapt our way of keeping fit. If you are stuck sat in front of a computer for 10 hours every day, motivation and enthusiasm can wane – leaving us lacking the energy to do a workout after completing a full day especially with many of us working from home now.
Get out early.
Start the day with some exercise, this could be an online workout or if you can, get outside for a run or a brisk walk. This will help to release endorphins and get your day off to a positive start
Take the stairs.
If you are working from home, get up from the computer every 30 minutes and run up and down the stairs a few times. Sitting still for too long is really not good for your body and a break every 30 minutes and a quick burst of activity will help keep you in shape. If you can fit in a few stretches for those hip flexors even better!
Sit up straight.
Believe it or not, sitting up straight is essential to maintaining physical fitness. Slouching promotes bad habits and an inactive lifestyle. Proper posture uses your ab and lower back muscles, slowly strengthening them, and promotes better circulation which will leave you with more energy to work — and hopefully more energy to hit the gym after work. Make sure your eye line of your computer enables you to sit up straight.
Eat lunch outside.
It is proven that taking time out to eat lunch away from your desk will leave you feeling much happier and thinking clearer when you return. What better way to spend your lunch than a bit of alfresco dining.