If you’re anything like us, you’ll hear the term ‘zoom workout’ and immediately feel a sense of dread. Don’t get us wrong, we think it’s great how many people have embraced the at-home workout and committed themselves to daily exercise videos and new things… but does it really have to be so bouncy and energetic? After all, this is our workspace – not the 90’s room in a city centre club!
Pilates Fun
For us here at SkinBase HQ, the beauty of exercise is that it gives us a little time to focus on life away from work, and really put our all into that ‘self-care’ that the experts talk about. And that’s where Pilates comes in.
Pilates is not only the favoured exercise of the Hollywood world, but it also teaches you a lot more than the fast-paced value of cardio exhaustion. It focuses on how to use your internal coordination to achieve a fine sense of balance and is valuable when it comes to both strengthening and toning the entire body. Not only that, but it’s easy to follow and nice and slow, so you don’t feel like you’re being left behind every time you miss a beat – and even if you are, you can just blame your zoom connection and soon catch up again!
Look After Body and Mind
Exercise should be as much about mental wellbeing as it is about physical. The moment you start to dread your workouts, it’s time to try something new. For us here at SkinBase, that was Pilates – mixed in with a daily walk around the local area. And it’s working: already, the team admit to feeling stronger and a little more toned.
Save the club music and energetic dancing for Friday nights – we’ll take our workouts with a pinch of relaxation, please!