Yes you heard us correct, it’s a real day and it’s today! What a fantastic way to start the year than with the determination to make your dreams a reality. Whether it’s a job, a holiday or a physical feat like a marathon or something even bigger, we believe in you! So what can we be doing to get us closer to our dreams?
Get inspired
Research other people who’ve achieved things similar to your dream. Read about how they did it, what they did to make it happen. If it’s a qualification you want to get, read about students who’ve studied what you want to study. Wanting to buy a home? There’s loads of info out there about how to save for a house. If it’s travelling you want to do – start reading travel blogs! The more you read up, the more you’ll understand what you need to do to achieve your dream.
Make a plan
Whatever it is that you want to achieve, you’ll never get there unless you know what steps you need to take. Make a plan so you know how to get where you’re going!
Do something small every day
Don’t be discouraged because small progress is still progress. Even if you can only save £10 one week, it all adds up. That’s £10 you wouldn’t have saved for your holiday otherwise. If you only manage a 15-minute run, that’s 15 minutes more towards your marathon training.
Don’t be disheartened by setbacks
Similar to the above, you’ll have days where you can’t save any money, or weeks where an injury means you can’t train at all. But if you give up, your dream won’t happen. If you push through the bad days, guess what? You might get there in a different way, or a little later than you wanted, but your dream will still happen!
Remember, You’re never too old and it’s never too late to start making your dreams come true! Have an inspiring Make Your Dreams Come True Day 🙂