Is Stress Impacting Your Skin?

Are you stressed out? Your skin will show it. April is stress awareness month and here at SkinBase we know how stress can impact your skin and how to fix it!

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Are you stressed out? Your skin will show it. April is stress awareness month. Here at SkinBase we know how stress can manifest physically on your skin. Healthy skin reflects a healthy mind.

The skin is attached to millions of nerve-endings. Emotions are often played out through this organ. Studies show that acute and chronic stress can trigger all sorts of skin conditions. Stress can also make existing conditions worse.


SkinBase Transformation of The Year 2022

The Search has begun! You could be jetting off to the Caribbean. Follow the link for more information about the competition and how to enter.
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How can chronic stress impact your skin?

  • Lack of sleep will show in your skin making it look sallow and lifeless and cause eye bags
  • Stress causes your body to release cortisol. Cortisol causes breakouts due to overproduction of sebum
  • Stress directly affects your immune system . The skin can be sensitive and reactive – this can trigger rashes, hives and redness
  • Chronic stress can cause inflammation which speeds up the formation of wrinkles
  • Environmental/oxidative stress is harmful. It can break down cell tissue causing premature ageing.

So this April try to reduce the stressors in your life…

Whether it is work, family or a stressful life event, how can you help to ease the burden? 

  • Schedule time for relaxing activities that you enjoy – balance is key
  • Maintain good lifestyle habits. A healthy diet and plenty of sleep will redress the balance
  • Stay active. Exercise can lower levels of your stress hormones, eliminate toxins and improve circulation
  • Try yoga or meditation – and make it a habit
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Talk to others – speaking to friends, family or a professional can ease the personal burden.

Consider booking a SkinBase facial or course of facials. Not only will it help to relax and revitalise you, your skin will thank you for it.

If stress is getting in the way of your enjoyment of life, seek professional advice.


SkinBase Transformation of The Year 2022

The Search has begun! You could be jetting off to the Caribbean. Follow the link for more information about the competition and how to enter.
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