When we’re younger our bodies produce plenty of collagen. This means we have smooth, plumped-up skin without any lines or wrinkles.
But as we age, collagen production slows down, cell turnover decreases and hydration isn’t so efficient. This can lead to dull, dry skin with fine lines and wrinkles.
Don’t worry though. If you’re over 40 there are ways you can look after your skin to slow down the effects of ageing.
Retinol is a form of vitamin A. You can get it in a cream or a serum. It increases collagen production and encourages new cell growth, so your skin sheds old cells and produces new ones which give your skin a fresher look. Start off by using small amounts at night as it might make your skin red at first as the cells reproduce. Once your skin gets used to the application though you won’t have this problem. In your 40’s you should be using retinol on your face about 3 times a week.
Eye Cream
You should make the application of eye cream part of your daily and evening skincare routine. This is because the skin under the eyes becomes dry and prone to wrinkles faster than any other part of our face. Lack of collagen and sun damage creates delicate skin with fine lines so an eye cream can help to put back moisture and smooth out those wrinkles.
Moisturise your skin in the morning and last things at night. Choose a cream that contains hyaluronic acid because this will make your skin brighter. A cream which contains SPF will also protect your skin from sun damage. If you have sensitive skin use a non-perfumed cream that doesn’t contain harsh ingredients.
Being outside without sunscreen won’t do your skin any favours. You should always use sunscreen on your face in summer and winter. Sun damage causes brown spots and wrinkles. Sun cream will protect your skin and keep you looking younger for longer. If you already have damaged skin you can have a chemical peel or microdermabrasion which will treat lines and sunspots and give you a smoother, fresher complexion.