This week is National Eczema Week. While eczema is quite a common skin condition, many people are still unsure of what it is, how it affects the body, and if they have it themselves. So, what exactly is eczema…
Eczema is the medical name for a skin condition that causes dry and irritated skin. While it doesn’t sound all that bad, it can be incredibly painful and uncomfortable when a bad flare up occurs. The main symptoms of eczema are itchy, dry, cracked and sore skin.
How Can I Alleviate Symptoms?
First and foremost, it’s important to speak to your GP about your eczema if it’s causing you extreme discomfort. They may be able to prescribe you with topical creams and body washes to help alleviate symptoms. However, there are some steps you can take to manage your eczema on your own. Here are our top tips. !
- Moisturise your skin at least twice a day to prevent dry patches
- Keep hydrated from the inside by drinking lots of water
- Try to avoid scratching the affected skin
- Apply bandages if you’re experiencing a bad flare up or bleeding
- Take a warm (but not too warm) bath to soothe the skin
- Choose mild soaps without dyes or perfumes
- Apply calamine lotion to patches of eczema to calm the areas
- Invest in a rich hydrating moisturiser in colder weather
- Bathe in an emollient to prevent moisture loss
If you’re considering undergoing any skin treatments, speak to your therapist before going ahead if you suffer with eczema. Help raise awareness this week too, do you suffer from eczema? What tips do you wish you had known? Let us know in the comments below!