What is Collagen Lift?
Collagen Lift treatments offer clients a way to replace Fillers and injectables such as Botulinum toxin with a non-invasive wrinkle remover. Growing numbers of the rich and famous, including Amanda Holden and Mel B, are opting for non-surgical Radio Frequency technology. Collagen Lift harnesses this technology to deliver great long lasting results.
How does it work?
A gel is applied to the skin and a ceramic wand is used to heat the skin. The Radio Frequency energy heats the dermis (lower level skin) sufficiently, without causing injury to the epidermis (the surface skin). The brain interprets this delivery of heat to the lower levels of the skin as being a potential injury and stimulates a healing response from the body. The result; increased collagen production, activation of fibroblasts and a tightening of the elastin fibres.
What age range will benefit most from Collagen Lift?
Anyone with a need for skin tightening will benefit from this treatment. Usually from the age of around 29, with no upper age limit.
What will a typical treatment plan consist of?
The initial course will usually be around 6 treatments performed twice per week. After this, maintenance sessions are recommended once every 4-6 weeks.
We also recommend a ‘top-up’ course for clients every 2 years to ensure the results are long lasting.
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About Collagen Lift
Areas/Conditions that can be treated by SkinBase™ CL include:
- Around the Eyes
- Face
- Jowls
- Neck
- Skin Laxity and Wrinkles
- Acne Scarring
- Decollette
- Tummy
- Hips
- Arms
- Knees
- Bottom
- Thighs
- Cellulite
- Scars & Stretchmarks
The Science Behind Collagen Lift Treatment
Collagen Lift uses Radio Frequency Technology to rejuvenate skin. Radio Frequency waves cause natural repositioning of the electrons from the positive to negative pole. This provokes a deep heating of the tissues which in turn causes the shortening of the elastin fibres. This gives the immediate effect of tissue contraction. It also stimulates Fibroblasts to produce new collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.
The high energy Radio Frequency waves have significant effects on the subcutaneous tissues. They act on the connective and adipose (fat) tissue causing cell metabolism to increase, providing healthy stimulation of the microcirculation. A greater supply of oxygen leads to faster elimination of accumulated toxins.

Monopolar (Capacitive RF)
- Transmission of energy by condenser effect.
- Deep lifting action.
- Formation of collagen at all depths.
- Passage of current from handset to return plate.
Bipolar (Resistive RF)
- Electrons pass from one electrode to the other.
- Works at shallower level than monopolar.
- Particularly suitable for treating face, neck and decollete.
- Stimulation of beneficial heat induces regeneration of tissue.