If you’ve ever noticed darker, discoloured patches appearing on your skin, particularly on or around your forehead and upper lip, then you have likely suffered from Melasma. Melasma is a common skin condition characterised by dark, discoloured patches. These often appear in symmetrical locations across the cheeks, forehead, nose and chin. While it isn’t harmful, most people will find that they want to remove it because of the way it makes their skin look.
What causes Melasma?
It isn’t 100% clear what causes Melasma. However, it is thought that changes in hormones can affect the skin and trigger melasma, as well as exposure of the skin to the suns rays.
How can we get rid of Melasma?
The lack of a clearly defined cause makes avoidance difficult when it comes to Melasma. But, we can recommend some treatments to help remove the discoloured skin patches thus revealing a more even skin tone.
Microdermabrasion is one such treatment. It works by removal of the top layer of dead skin cells using microcrystals, to expose new skin beneath. This is effective when the melasma is within the topmost layers of skin. Microdermabrasion will increase the rate of cell renewal to work through these layers and slough them away. A series of treatments will reveal the new more even pigmented skin beneath.
IPL photorejuvenation is another treatment option to get rid of melasma. It uses intense pulsed light technology to remove pigmentation. The light energy target the melain in the problem area, breaking down a build-up of pigmentation. It stimulates a healing response and new collagen and elastin production. As this is a non-invasive and safe procedure, it is one of the most popular for Melasma and other similar ailments.