Stretch Marks

If you want to say goodbye to stretch marks, read on to find out how.

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If you have stretch marks and you are not sure how you can minimise their appearance, you’re in the right place. They are a common skin concern that affect people of all ages and genders. They can appear across the body, usually appearing on the abdomen, hips, and upper arms.

Though stretch marks are harmless, they can have a negative impact on self esteem and body image. Thankfully, there are things you can to do treat and prevent the lines on your skin. If you want to treat your clients’ skin concerns, become a SkinBase Therapist.

Understanding Stretch Marks

Our advice centre has everything you need to know about what the textured lines are, the causes, and what you can do about it.

Our non-invasive, effective treatment recommendations will rejuvenate your skin and your mood in no time.

What Do Stretch Marks Look Like?

Stretch marks appear as coloured, textured lines or streaks on the surface of the skin. The colour varies depending on what caused them, their location on the body and how long they have been there.

Why Do I Have Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks occur where the skin stretches or shrinks rapidly, and the middle layer of the skin tears. Hormonal levels within the skin play a key part in the formation of stretch marks.

Stretch Marks Risk Factors

Periods of change are commonly when stretch marks appear on the skin. For example, during times of rapid growth and hormonal fluctuations, such as puberty, pregnancy, and menopause.

Treating Stretch Marks

Stretch marks may be a red, blue, brown or a purple colour. New stretch marks are usually red or purple, and it is at this stage they are the easiest to treat.

What Are Stretch Marks & What Are The Causes?

Treatments for Stretch Marks

Stretch Marks before & afters

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Bela Academy

Client Testimonial: “I am a lady of a certain age, so the wrinkles had appeared and impacted on my self esteem.  I would not want to have an invasive surgical procedure like a face lift so I did some research. I found the collagen lift and read some of the testimonials and results which were all positive. I had a course of six treatments and the results were amazing. I have a youthful glow and it has boosted my confidence. Friends and family have noticed. It’s definitely a treatment that I will continue to have.”