What Is SkinBase Hydro?

Discover the wonders of the SkinBase Hydro treatment. Revitalise your skin with this non-invasive and non-surgical solution.

believe in SkinBase Hydro

SkinBase Hydro is our latest treatment, designed to cleanse, exfoliate, purify, hydrate and revitalise the skin. Just like the SkinBase Microdermabrasion, Collagen Lift and IPL treatments, Hydro is non-invasive and non-surgical. So, you can achieve fantastic results and get right back to your day. Read on to find out more. 

What is SkinBase Hydro?

The new Hydro treatment involves a multi-step process of a cleanse, peel and serum and it is all about the ingredients. A natural blend of AHAs and BHAs will rid the skin of dead cells and debris. Therefore, providing the perfect base for an infusion of powerful ingredients via a personalised serum. Once the serum has absorbed, your SkinBase Therapist will follow up with the SkinBase Essentials skincare range. The method used during the Hydro treatment ensures a variety of benefits for the skin. 

Step 1: Cleanse

To begin the treatment, your SkinBase therapist will gently double cleanse your skin with the SkinBase Purifying Gel cleanser, to remove any makeup or impurities off the skin. This step allows the peel and serum to work as efficiently as possible, for the best results. 

Step 2: SkinBase Hydro Peel

The peel is a great first step in achieving glowing, healthy skin with the SkinBase Hydro treatment and readies the skin for the personalised serum that you choose. The peel contains a range of effective active ingredients to benefit your skin, such as salicylic acid, lactic acid and glycolic acid. 

Step 3: Your Chosen Serum

SkinBase Hydro involves a choice of three serums, to personalise the treatment to your specific skin concerns. 

  • The renewing serum contains powerful anti-ageing ingredients that improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while also helping to hydrate the skin and reduce inflammation. 
  • The brightening serum is packed with antioxidants that improve the tone and texture of the skin for a more radiant appearance.
  • The clarifying serum has a variety of effective, calming ingredients that work to fight breakouts, reduce inflammation and minimise excess oil productions

Step 4: Skincare 

Once your chosen serum has fully absorbed into your skin, your SkinBase therapist will follow up with the SkinBase Essentials skincare range to lock the fantastic ingredients into your skin, and keep it protected post-treatment. For a standard SkinBase Hydro treatment, this will include toner, moisturiser and SPF. Don’t forget, home care post-treatment is incredibly important, and can largely impact on the results you can achieve. Continue to cleanse your skin at home, and apply toner, moisturiser and SPF daily. 

Find out more about SkinBase Hydro on the blog.