Summer Skincare Wardrobe Must Haves 

Like your wardrobe, your skincare products need a pre-summer overhaul. As the temperatures rise you need to switch your routine to get your glow on. Long days basking in the sun and soaking up rays mean a change in routine before the hottest season is upon us. So what should you be looking for in your summer skincare?

Like your wardrobe, your skincare products need a pre-summer overhaul. As the temperatures rise you need to switch your routine to get your glow on. Long days basking in the sun and soaking up rays mean a change in routine before the hottest season is upon us. So what should you be looking for in your summer skincare?

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Lightweight Products

Swap anything thick and heavy in favour of lightweight, hydrating products. Use a foaming cleanser instead of gel-based cleanser. Ditch the heavy foundation and switch to a tinted moisturiser. The heat can mean overproduction of sebum (oil) so we want to avoid clogging pores. Increased sweating also means we are losing more water so remember to stay hydrated.


You’re likely to spend more time outside so don’t forget the SPF. Prevent skin damage, cancer and visible signs of ageing by applying daily. Consider using a combined moisturiser with SPF and avoid being outside during the hottest hours of the day (between 11am and 3pm). Wear a hat!


Regular exfoliation – once a week – is ideal during summer. This will keep your pores clean and give your skin new life. Exfoliating is effective at removing the debris from sweat, SPF and oil. If you don’t want to do it yourself – leave it to a professional and have a SkinBase Microdermabrasion facial.

Tone, Tone and Tone again

Don’t forget the toner.  SkinBase Soothing Toner is an excellent option for summer. Our toner makes sure nothing remains on the skin that can clog pores and cause congestion. It also prepares your skin for the rest of your routine by making products more absorbable.

Glow All Over

Maximise your summer glow all over. Pay special attention to lips by using lip balm with SPF, eyes (eye cream) and hands/feet to give you radiant summer skin all over.

A summer-friendly skin routine will keep your skin happy and healthy all season long.

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