It’s Friday and we don’t know about you, but we. are. exhausted. Anyone else look in the mirror today expecting to see a face which echoed that Friday feeling and left feeling sorely disappointed at the bags, breakouts and dull & tired skin staring back at them?
SkinBase Microdermabrasion
Did you know that microdermabrasion is one of the most effective ways to INSTANTLY refresh dull skin.
What is Dull & Tired skin?
We all have days when our skin looks tired, dull and uneven. Breakouts and larger pores can leave anyone feeling self-conscious about their skin. Normally skin renews itself approximately every 28 days. By removing dead skin cells from the top layer of the skin, The SkinBase Facial™ speeds up the rate at which the skin would normally renew itself. Revealing new, fresh skin and giving a radiant glow.
Why The SkinBase Facial™ for Dull & Tired Skin?
- Revitalises skin by stimulating collagen and elastin formation
- Immediate visible results even after the first treatment
- Perfect for congested skin with open pores – helps to tighten and brighten
- Variable control allowing for deeper exfoliation of blemished skin
- You can return to your normal lifestyle immediately – a ‘lunchtime facial’
- Fresh faced feeling after a number of treatments resulting in less need for makeup
Sun damaged Skin – It’s not so bright for our faces!
As we grow older and are constantly exposed to UV rays, our skin starts to appear dry and dull. This is the result of the outside layer of the skin getting excessively built up and not exfoliated on a regular basis. Build-up is especially apparent to women since we realise that make-up doesn’t look as fresh. Make-up is actually being absorbed into the accumulated dead skin cells. Giving a very tired and unhealthy look to the skin.
The SkinBase Facial
Dull skin lacks lustre and radiance. It screams ‘old’ and ‘tired’ and ‘run down’. It is a common problem to find yourself looking in the mirror and seeing a less than radiant complexion staring back. Through neglect, nutritional deficiency, pollution, poor lifestyles or just bad genetics, your skin can become grey and tired. The SkinBase Facial™ is proven to help revitalise dull and tired skin, check out the before and afters.
Find a Therapist
There are times you should seriously think about your skincare. When it’s as quick and easy as a facial you can have done in your lunch hour ask yourself why you aren’t trying it! Find your local SkinBase microdermabrasion therapist now and be ready to book in as soon as that lockdown is lifted. Our beauty therapists will need your support more than ever after, and our skin will be desperate for some tlc too!
Find a Therapist
Believe in better skin. Find your nearest SkinBase™ therapist here.