Microdermabrasion Explained
About Microdermabrasion First developed in Italy in 1985, Microdermabrasion has become an increasingly popular non-invasive treatment for skin rejuvenation. The process of a SkinBase Microdermabrasion (MD) facial involves the abrasive action of aluminium oxide crystals, along with a suction action, to gently remove dead skin cells and surface debris. The procedure is simple, quick, and painless, with no downtime. How does it all work? During treatment, Aluminium oxide crystals gently ablate the skin. The SkinBase microdermabrasion machine works using vacuum pressure. The machine draws crystal particles, under suction, through the small hole at the end of the handpiece and over the skin. At the same time, sucking away the dead skin and used crystals. The used crystals and the outermost layer of skin are then collected in a reservoir (disposable jar) and discarded safely and hygienically. What are the benefits for my skin? The vacuum pressure of the machine increases blood flow to the superficial layers of the skin. Partial skin ablation to the stratum corneum layer is desirable. More aggressive treatments can reach the superficial papillary dermis. A number of factors determine the degree of exfoliation. Vacuum pressure, crystal flow, the speed and movement of each handpiece pass, as well as the number of repeated strokes over the same area of skin. Just one SkinBase MD facial can dramatically improve the feel and appearance of the skin. We recommend a course of facials to help remove scars, fine lines and wrinkles, surface pigmentation and even stretch marks! Find your nearest skin saviour here