Look Younger for Longer

Although ageing is a natural process, there are plenty of things we can do that will slow down the effects of ageing and help us to look younger for longer.

Although ageing is a natural process, there are plenty of things we can do that will slow down the effects of ageing and help us to look younger for longer.


You know that a good diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables is healthy. But, some foods are better than others for anti-ageing. If you add these superfoods to your diet you could help to reduce cell damage which in turn will help to keep your skin looking youthful. 

  • Berries – Berries contain anti-ageing flavonoids which give us antioxidant protection and help guard against damage caused by UV radiation.
  • Nuts – If you eat a handful of nuts each day they will supply Omega 3 fatty acids which are great for heart health and contain anti-inflammatories.
  • Honey – Honey contains nutrients that help to keep our skin healthy like vitamin B2 and niacin.
  • Plain Yoghurt – Plain yoghurt helps your gut health, it also contains vitamin B12 which is good for your skin.
  • Garlic – Helps to reduce your blood pressure and your cholesterol. Garlic also has antibacterial properties which helps to reduce acne.

You should also drink plenty of water and, if you fancy a brew, drink green tea which not only helps your skin but encourages weight loss too.


Your skin needs nourishment and when you exercise you increase your blood circulation which then brings nutrients and oxygen to the cells in your skin. Keeping active also cleans out the toxins from your cells, so that they stay healthy.

Exercise also relieves stress. Stress can cause acne breakouts and the appearance of lines. If you exercise regularly you’ll also be toned which helps to keep your skin looking firm.

If you don’t like the thought of doing strenuous workouts you can take up yoga or pilates instead. They increase your flexibility and strengthen your muscles, as well as relieving stress.

Invest in Your Skin

Give your skin regular treats of microdermabrasion. This is a non-invasive procedure that uses tiny crystals to gently exfoliate the top layer of your skin so that sun damage and fine lines are reduced. The treatment also encourages collagen growth which makes your skin firmer and more youthful.
