IPL For Pigmentation: How Does It Work?

A single day in the sun without SPF protection can lead to dark spots and patches of pigmentation on the skin. We know this can be frustrating, which is why we offer SkinBase IPL for pigmentation. So, how does it work? Let’s find out. 

A single day in the sun without SPF protection can lead to dark spots and patches of pigmentation on the skin. We know this can be frustrating, which is why we offer SkinBase IPL for pigmentation. So, how does it work? Let’s find out.

ageing skin guide

IPL for Pigmentation 

SkinBase IPL for pigmentation issues is a popular, effective treatment for breaking down pigmentation and providing an even skin tone. The process of Intense Pulsed Light Photorejuvenation is non-invasive and uses specific wavelengths of light, as the name suggests, to break down excess melanin and fade discoloured patches away.

IPL for Pigmentation: What to Expect

During the treatment, your SkinBase Therapist will use a handheld wand to target pulses of light into the skin. The excess melanin within the skin readily absorbs the filtered light. During the rapid absorption of light energy, the light is converted into heat, which triggers the natural healing process of the body. When IPL for pigmentation is used, the dark patches will often darken post-treatment, before gradually lightening. Following treatment, the melanin will begin to crust and slough off the skin, reducing the appearance of pigmentation. This mild crusting usually occurs within two weeks, so you can achieve brighter, fresher skin as quickly as possible. A course of three to six treatments of IPL for pigmentation, spaced two to three weeks apart, is ideal for achieving the best results.

IPL for Pigmentation: Benefits 

IPL for pigmentation has a number of benefits, making it the ideal option for skin rejuvenation.

(1) Targeted Pigmentation Correction

IPL uses cut off filters to emit multiple wavelengths of light, unlike lasers which only produce a single wavelength of light. The specific wavelengths of light used for pigmentation treatments effectively reduce the appearance of sunspots, age spots, and other discolouration concerns.

(2) Even Skin Tone

The treatment stimulates the skin’s natural healing processes to remove pigmentation discolouration and promote a more uniform skin tone.

(3) Collagen Stimulation

IPL for pigmentation has an added benefit of stimulating collagen production. Post treatment, collagen floods to the treatment area, improving skin texture, plumping the skin, reducing fine lines, and enhancing overall quality.

(4) No Downtime

IPL for pigmentation is non-surgical and non-ablative, meaning it does not damage the skin’s surface. Therefore, it requires no downtime, allowing individuals to resume their daily activities immediately after the treatment.

(5) Versatile Treatment

You can have IPL for Pigmentation on most areas of the body, not just the face, so you can treat your concerns and feel confident in your skin.

Find Your Nearest Therapist 

To treat your pigmentation concerns with SkinBase Intense Pulsed Light, find your nearest therapist here to get started.

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