If you are the Mum of small children, it may not have been long ago that you felt like a milk machine while your precious little sleep thief was small and needed all your attention. But as they reach toddlerhood and beyond, things start to change, and you will begin to feel like there is light on the horizon. Thus, giving you a few minutes for yourself once again.
Once you start to regain some of your valuable time, there will no doubt be loads of things you can’t wait to get stuck into and it’s important that you do carve out some time for yourself. Let’s take a look at how to enjoy your new-found time.
Reconnect with Old Friends
If your friends don’t have children and have slipped off the radar a bit, it’s time to reconnect (only if you want to, of course). People who don’t have children tend not to understand the pressures that come with a small child. That’s not their fault! So, forgive them, reconnect and plan a good night out to catch up.
Spend Time with Mum Friends
When your children get older, they’ll start to enjoy interaction with other kids. So, by having a coffee date with a mum friend, your kids can play together while you have a gossip and slice of cake. Win-win!
Learn Something New
When better a time to learn something new than when you have some extra time on your hands. Doing something completely unrelated to your role as a parent might help you realise you can still be your own person again and forget your responsibilities for an hour or two. It’s also a great opportunity to try something you’ve always wanted to but didn’t have the time to.
Make the Most of it
The most important thing to remember is that your time is all about you. Whether you want to go out on a peaceful walk, take a bath, get your nails done or treat yourself to a SkinBase facial, your time is precious, so make the most of it.
image:istock.com/Drazen Zigic