Look no further, we have got the best treatment for Crow’s Feet. Whether you’re looking to prevent those fine lines, or get rid of some already on your skin – the SkinBase Microdermabrasion treatment is for you.
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What is Microdermabrasion?
Microdermabrasion is a gentle, resurfacing treatment that offers progressive results for your skincare concerns. Your skincare therapist will use a wand delivering a stream of exfoliating crystals across the skin. The crystals work to resurface the skin, abrading away any dead skin cells, dirt, and impurities off the skin. A vacuum in the wand will remove the debris from the skin, revealing the smoother, healthier skin below.
Can I Have Microdermabrasion for Crow’s Feet?
Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that feels like a gritty face massage. It is safe for use on all skin types and tones, and there are no risky side effects. You may experience a slight redness or tightness following treatment, and these effects will subside within 36 hours. The microdermabrasion crystals are sterile, and very unlikely to cause skin irritation. To reduce any risk, your SkinBase Therapist will perform a crystal patch test prior to treatment.
Best Treatment for Crow’s Feet
SkinBase Microdermabrasion is the best way to rejuvenate the appearance of crow’s feet on your face. As the crystals work over the area, the fine lines will become smoother, and the skin tone more even. As each session progresses, deeper layers of the skin can be treated as the intensity of the microdermabrasion is increased. A course of six treatments is recommended to begin.
Treatment for Crow’s Feet – Collagen Production
The dual-action process of exfoliating the skin with crystals and suctioning the skin afterwards has increased benefits for minimising the appearance of crow’s feet. The vacuum action stimulates blood flow and circulation within the skin. The increased oxygen levels within the body encourages greater rejuvenation for the skin and stimulates collagen production. More collagen provides greater ‘scaffolding’ for the skin, smoothing out crow’s feet.
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