Our favourite beauty tips (it’s a must read!)

We don’t think there’s such thing as being armed with too much beauty advice at SkinBase, so every now and then we like to add another blog about some of our favourite beauty tips. Take look and make sure you add yours!

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We don’t think there’s such a thing as being armed with too much beauty advice at SkinBase, so every now and then we like to add another blog about some of our favourite beauty tips. Take a look and make sure you add yours!

Freeze your eyeliner

There’s little as frustrating as when you begin to apply your eyeliner pencil and suddenly a piece breaks off. If you don’t realise straight away then you’re more than likely to end up with panda eyes and have to start the whole process over again. The answer? Freeze your eyeliner. Leave it in there for just 15 minutes before you intend to apply it and you should find it glides on seamlessly.

Shave with conditioner

To be honest, we used to coin this trick when we’d run out of shaving foam, now we skip the foam completely in favour of conditioner to prep before shaving. Conditioner will soften the hair on your legs making it easier to shave (and it will leave your skin feeling extra silky).

Simple smooth lips

Get lips soft and smooth by using a damp, warm cloth at night to rub off the flaky dry bits; follow with a coat of lip balm.

Heat those curlers

No, not the ones for your locks, the ones for your lashes. For curlier, flirtier lashes that last longer, warm your lash curler for five seconds with a hairdryer. No longer do you risk them getting too hot and possibly even burning.

Avoid Overly Rosy Cheeks

Giving yourself a natural glow avec blush is a great way to fake a glowing complexion. Beware though, you’ll want to avoid brushing on too much (lest you look like a clown). So always start your blush line two-finger widths away from your nose and only apply it on the apples of your cheeks. This will ensure you create a natural glow without going overboard. Thanks Huffington Post for the top tip!)

No Makeup Remover? Try Lotion Instead

There’s nothing worse than being away somewhere and realising you’ve forgotten your make up remover (we don’t need to tell you how important removing your ‘face’ is after a long day). So next time you’re out of makeup remover, use body lotion to get rid of makeup. It works especially well on tough mascara.

Help colour last

Those of us who colour our hair know how much time and money goes into achieving the perfect highlights or bolder colour options. To really make the colour last, make sure you use a deep conditioning treatment at least once a month. This will help lock in colour and has the added benefit of staving off dry and damaged locks (it’s a nice excuse for a pamper too!).

Tweezing Tips

Before you tweeze, make sure you soften your skin by dabbing a cotton ball soaked in warm water or cream. When you start tweezing, do so in the direction of your hair’s growth. Thanks to Yahoo for the tip!

Stop mascara mess

When you put on mascara, don’t lower your chin—that’s how mascara gets on your lid!

We’d love to hear your other beauty tips, so get commenting below!

SkinBase x
