They just keep coming
Our lovely SkinBase therapists have been super busy and we’ve got a whole bunch of new before and after pictures to show you. We have split them up into categories as there are so many to share with you. This week we have an acne treatment focus on the blog. You can also download our handy acne guide using the link on the page.
Acne treatment focus
We have posted about acne many times before. This is a big concern for many people and it is indiscriminate of age affecting youngsters and adults alike. A whole host of things can cause acne; diet, hormones, product sensitivities, allergies, stress. Your skin has its ways of telling you it’s not happy about something and unfortunately, that can be in the form of spots on your skin. But enough of that, because the good news is we have a few treatments that may just help.
Microdermabrasion or MD is a fantastic treatment for acne. It helps to clear blocked pores, calm red and uneven skin tone and improve the appearance and texture of the skin. Read more here. Here are some of the recent results we have been sent after a course of microdermabrasion:

Great results we’re sure you’ll agree.
Find your nearest SkinBase therapist. SkinBase also offers IPL treatment for acne. IPL is Intense Pulsed Light. In this treatment, light is used to kill bacteria and suppress the overproduction of sebum that can cause spots. You can read more about this fantastic treatment for acne here.